The ClearDropper Story

I am an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor practicing in Minnesota. I have seen my patients and my own family struggle with the delivery of ear drops and with the hassle of ear wax. For years patients have had to deliver ear medicines straight out of the ear bottle or with a standard eyedropper. Self-administering ear drops or administering drops to a screaming, fussy child is not a small task.
Late one night, I got a call from a parent asking to refill her daughter's ear drop prescription. This prescription had cost her $100 and was supposed to last 2 weeks. In just two days, the mother had used up all the drops (the drops had been wasted while struggling to get the drops in her child's ear.) The mother asked me why there wasn't an easier way to administer drops. This question started my quest to design a simple, inexpensive, and easy to use ear drop delivery device.
"This prescription had cost her $100 and was supposed to last 2 weeks. In just two days, the mother had used up all the drops ..."
After developing the ClearDropper, I realized how frequently I was recommending home remedies for ear wax, ear infections, swimmer's ear, and itchy ears. Over-the-counter items like Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol, Olive oil all are inexpensive yet effective ways to address conditions of the ear canal. Before the ClearDropper, the only way to administer these drops were with a generic eye dropper...which as the name would imply, was NOT designed with the ear in mind.
"Before the ClearDropper, the only way to administer these drops was through the generic eye dropper...which as the name would imply, was NOT designed with the ear in mind."
The ClearDropper has helped numerous patients and has saved my patient's thousands of dollars in reduced medication costs and decreased doctors' visits. I hope you find the ClearDropper as helpful as my patients and family have.