Top 5 Ear Wax Removal Remedies To Be Used With ClearDropper

Top 5 Ear Wax Removal Remedies To Be Used With ClearDropper

Many times, a build of earwax can lead to ear issues such as hearing loss and ear pain. It is highly recommended to treat earwax buildup with ear drops to soften the wax, making it easier to remove. You can find many different ear drop options in your local convenience store at an affordable price. Here are a few different examples of ways to fix problems pertaining to excessive ear wax: 

1. Hydrogen Peroxide
Using Hydrogen Peroxide for Earwax Removal: Does It Work? ( Hydrogen Peroxide: How to Use It Properly – Cleveland Clinic
Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap over the counter option to treat excessive ear wax buildup. Its antiseptic component kills germs and breaks down the wax buildup for easier removal. To use, first lie down on your side with one ear facing up. Administer the instructed number of drops into the ear and stay in this position for 5 minutes. 
2. Carbamide Peroxide Otic
Carbamide peroxide otic Uses, Side Effects & Warnings -
Carbamide peroxide otic can also be bought at the store at an affordable price. The antiseptics in the liquid softens the wax, making it easier to remove. To use, lie down with one ear facing upward and drop the instructed number of drops into the ear. If you hear a bubbling sound in your ear, that is the carbamide peroxide activating to break up the wax inside your ear. Stay lying down in this position for at least 5 minutes.

3. Saline
Ear Saline Solution: What Is It and How Does It Work? ( Learn the Easy and Safe Ways to Remove Ear Wax |
Saline solution is a common treatment for ear wax buildup. The mixture of salt and water softens the wax lodged in the ear. For use, keep your head tilted upward and apply the instructed number of drops into the ear. For five minutes, keep this position to allow the solution to work.

4. Olive Oil
Olive Oil in Ear: Effectiveness, Methods, Safety, Ear Wax, Infect (
Olive oil is a remedy you might already have available in your pantry. Olive oil is a common method for solving excessive wax buildup by softening the wax. To use, lie on your side with one ear facing up. Put two or three drops of olive oil into your ear. While Gently massaging the oil into the opening of your ear, remain on your side for at least 5 minutes.

5. Mineral Oil
Mineral Oil: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions (
Mineral oil is another cheap, store bought solution to treating ear wax buildup.  Mineral oil helps dissolve ear wax and moisturizes the ear canal, making it easier for the wax to dislodge. To apply, tilt your head to one side with one ear facing upwards. Keep your head tilted as you administer a few drops of the oil into your ear opening, and remain in this position for up to 5 minutes.
    The major benefits of using store bought products for excessive ear wax buildup is affordability and time efficiency. However, if symptoms do not improve, be sure to make a doctor’s appointment. When treating ear wax buildup, an accurate application process is necessary for successful removal. This is where ClearDropper comes in handy. The ClearDropper resembles an eyedropper and is used similarly. Just load the medicinal liquid into the dropper, keep the infected ear tilted upwards with the dropper gently inserted into the ear, and squeeze. Using the ClearDropper provides an easier application with affordable pricing to  guarantee a speedy recovery.
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